Monday, April 27, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Hello All!
I've been very busy battling a killer cold for almost a week. It's draining all my energy! At the same time, Dad has been in the hospital and it's been decided that he's going to a nursing home from there, most likely forever. He's actually quite pumped about it. I think he's ready to be taken care of completely and not have to worry about things anymore. Plus, he loves Wheel of Fortune and talking to people so I think he'll fit right in. Once that's taken care of, Julie and I have the enormous task of straightening out his finances and finding homes for the unbelievable amount of stuff he has. Wish us luck!
I'm also pet-sitting a friend's bird for a few weeks. It's actually been quite easy and somewhat entertaining. Elijah loves the bird...the bird is not so fond of Elijah. He always moves to the part of the cage farthest from where Elijah's standing. A few nights ago Elijah started removing one of my window screens and was saying, "bye birdie, bye bye bird." Uh-oh! I will have to keep my eye on him every second now. Hopefully he doesn't figure out how to open the cage...
Only 17 1/2 days left for kids!!! I'm so ready! This has been a great class, but the end of the year does something to them and it's not pretty. But then a week after that, I start my summer job, so I'll be back to spending my day with kids. At least the kids change every week.
Everyone have a great weekend. Love you all!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Catch Up
Sorry, I have been kind of bad about keeping this updated. Nothing too exciting going on here though.
I have been practicing needle sticking more, and I did Elijah's infusion again last week. It was much easier this time and he was more upset about his sucker dropping on the floor than the fact that I was doing it.
We had a good time today for Easter. Elijah was at his grandma's house for the day, so he didn't have lunch with us. Aidan and I colored a few eggs together though. When he got to Mom's he asked, "Has Peter Cottontail been here for me?" Unfortunately we didn't know Aidan was coming so no, Peter had not stopped by. I told him Mr. Cottontail would probably be by later this week to leave him some stuff. Mom made a tasty lunch for us. The ham was delicious.
I only have 26 days left with students!!! It's going to be a very busy month though. I have one baby shower down and 4 more to go... a lot of babies coming soon. I also found out that I probably have a summer job this year. Outdoor Education summer camp...my employment is dependent on how many kids enroll though. Either way I get to take the training class which I take every year and it's a lot of fun. Easy college credit too.
Elijah got a hair cut the other day and sat in the chair all by himself for the first time. He was a little anxious at first, but settled down. He was mostly worried about the hair falling on the cape and had to keep brushing it off. His new 'do makes him look much older.
Hopefully in a few days I will get some new pictures on here. I hope everyone had a nice Easter weekend.
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