- Elijah is feeling much better. He's had a few nosebleeds but is taking an oral medication for the bleeding. We have officially entered the "Terrible Twos." Actually I'm pretty sure we've been there for a while. Wish us luck getting through them alive... I did Elijah's infusion for the first time this week. I sweated heavily, but I got it in and the nurse was very excited. Elijah was not particularly impressed. I don't think he's too thrilled that mom is causing him "owies" now. I will go to a clinic in May to really learn the ins and outs and hopefully become much better at sticking him.

Beautiful Kansas sunset
- Here are some pictures of the Spring Break casino trip. I won $100 on a penny slot, but then I spent it all...
The pictures downloaded in backwards order so start with the room picture and work your way up.